Showing 7 Result(s)

CORS: How to handle it?

What is CORS? CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a method that uses extra HTTP headers to notify browsers to allow a web application operating on one origin to access resources from another origin. Why does the browser need this mechanism? The security policy known as the “Same-origin policy” is implemented by most browsers, and it Read More

How to Secure, Harden and Improve Performance of Nginx Web Server

#1: Keep Nginx up to date #2: Remove Unnecessary Modules in Nginx To explicitly remove modules from Nginx while installing from source, do: # ./configure –without-module1 –without-module2 –without-module3 For example: # ./configure –without-http_dav_module –withouthttp_spdy_module As you will probably guess, removing modules from a previous Nginx installation from source requires performing the compilation again. A word Read More

How to Use Nginx as an HTTP Load Balancer in Linux

When it comes to setting up multiple application servers for redundancy, load balancing is a commonly used mechanism for efficiently distributing incoming service requests or network traffic across a group of back-end servers. Load balancing has several advantages including increased application availability through redundancy, increased reliability and scalability (more servers can be added in the Read More