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How to Secure, Harden and Improve Performance of Nginx Web Server

#1: Keep Nginx up to date #2: Remove Unnecessary Modules in Nginx To explicitly remove modules from Nginx while installing from source, do: # ./configure –without-module1 –without-module2 –without-module3 For example: # ./configure –without-http_dav_module –withouthttp_spdy_module As you will probably guess, removing modules from a previous Nginx installation from source requires performing the compilation again. A word Read More

How does SSL work?

This blog is for people who want to learn about SSL and TLS. These are protocols that guard the contents of an HTTP session from third parties and eavesdroppers. The combination of TLS (or SSL) and HTTP creates an HTTPS connection. But in order to understand this, you need to remember what a socket is. A quick Read More